Why We Are Different?
Student life at Englewood Academy is different from traditional schools but shares many of the same excitements. First of all, our students actively participate in student clubs and extracurricular activities. EA supports virtual communities and region-based in-person sports and other activity groups. Beyond fun activities, EA also encourages students to join community service organizations and academic clubs to pursue their interests.
Fun Activities
For students in our gifted program, we offer a variety of clubs for students to discover their passions outside of the virtual classroom. These clubs offer a relaxed, fun environment, with weekly meetings led by a member of our faculty who has a passion for the topic. These clubs give students a place to socialize, bond, and participate in competitions related to the club. From a Chess Club to a Graphic Design club, students will be able to find whatever club suits their interests. And if for some reason you are interested in a club that isn’t offered, students have the opportunity to propose their own clubs!
Community Services
We encourage our students to participate in community service, whether that is volunteering for a local animal shelter, or participating in an online fundraiser. We believe that community service can inspire students to achieve great things. In addition to having numerous clubs dedicated to community service, we also require that students complete at least one community service project per academic year.
Academic Clubs
For students looking for clubs that will challenge them academically outside of the classroom, we offer a variety of academic clubs. From Chemistry, Physics, to Engineering, we have extracurriculars for bright students led by passionate teachers.
Through our academic clubs, Englewood Academy encourages students to compete in national and international competitions, and provides support and guidance for students choosing to enter these competitions.
Personal Support
At Englewood Academy, students enjoy is its strong personalized guidance services. From kindergarten to high school, all students regularly meet with their own academic counselor to discuss their personal and academic progresses. Each teacher also communicates with students one on one.
College Bound Counseling
As soon as students enroll in 9th grade, our counselors begin college bound counseling to help guide them through the often tumultuous admissions process. Taking into account a student's grades and future goals, our counselors collaborate with students and their parents to determine a prospective major, academic plan, and school list. Through the series of college bound counseling sessions, students are assisted in picking the right courses, activities, and awards to develop a profile that will help them stand out in college admissions.